Fast decoding of Polar codes in 5G NR and beyond Technology A novel technology for faster decoding of Polar codes in radio communication that can contribute to lower end-to-end la [...]
Fast M-QAM demodulation
arved anhalt2024-03-20T12:54:03+00:00Fast demodulation of M-QAM symbols Technology A novel technology for M-QAM soft and hard demodulation with constant (and low) computational requirements, regardless of complexity [...]
Shade tolerant inverter
steinar2022-08-24T10:23:49+00:00Shade tolerant inverter Technology Shade tolerant modular multilevel inverter control method for photovoltaic applications. Market Solar energy equipment Uniqueness The main benef [...]

Disruptive Health Monitoring of Electrical Machines
steinar2022-08-23T09:53:44+00:00Disruptive Health Monitoring of Electrical Machines Technology A small sensor analyzing the magnetic field around an electrical machine, generating a signal pattern that can be an [...]
Fruit Biometry
steinar2022-08-24T11:06:54+00:00Measurements of fruit ripening Technology Detection of chemical agents (ripeness and pesticides) and ripeness levels in fruit using multi-spectral imaging and machine learning. A [...]