A novel method to improve treatment of type 1 diabetes

Micro doses of glucagon, where glucagon itself exerts minimal effect on glucose levels, results in faster SC insulin absorption by substantially increasing local blood flow.

Preliminary animal data indicate a stronger glucose lowering effect of insulin, that in humans would translate into reduced postprandial glucose excursions.

As MicroGlucagon has the potential to improve the performance of an artificial pancreas, the market potential is substantial.

MicroGlucagon speeds up insulin absorption even compared to the fastest acting insulins (Lyumjev ®/NovoRapid ®) in the market. MicroGlucagon is dosed independently of the insulin dose.

Used in a bi-hormonal artificial pancreas, utilizing both the strong vasodilating effect of micro doses of glucagon and the glucose increasing effect of glucagon, this could potentially make a fully automated artificial pancreas with superior glucose control possible.


  • Patent pending (GB2109087.3)
  • Substantial increase in local blood flow induced by MicroGlucagondemonstrated in healthy volunteers
  • Even with fast acting insulins, faster SC insulin absorption is demonstrated in anesthetized pigs
  • Clinical trials in patients with DM1 planned for Q1- Q3 2023